Industrial Louvers, Inc. was the first U.S. manufacturer to receive a Just label in 2016. Just is a program of the International Living Future Institute (ILFI) that allows companies to measure their performance related to social equity. Each year, we review our performance and set goals for improvement. We are proud to announce the release of our 2020/2021 label.




The JUST label measures performance across 22 imperatives in six categories, the first of which is diversity & inclusion. The goal of this category is for organizations to have a workforce that is at least as diverse as the community in which it is located. The imperatives measured are gender diversity, ethnic diversity, inclusion and engagement. We measure success in these areas with company demographic data and through employee surveys. We are proud of our performance, but will continue to research ways to increase diversity and engage employees.


Next is the category for equity. The intention behind this category is to focus on full time employment, pay-scale equity, freedom of association, living wage and gender pay equity. We offer full time work and provide pay scale equity between our executives and staff and men and women. We are also a union shop. Based on the MIT living wage calculator, we provide wages at a two adult, one child family unit. 


Employee health, the third category, calls for organizations to proactively support the physical health of our employees. Everything from the design of our buildings to our workplace culture, impacts health. We have designed healthy spaces and developed programs based on encouraging healthy habits.


The fourth category addresses employee benefits. The imperatives measured are health care, retirement, family/medical leave and training/education. Our goal is to offer benefits that support the health of our employees and their families.


Following that is the category for stewardship. This has imperatives that illustrate how we interact with our local community and treat the environment around us. We excel in this area by being transparent about what we do and the ingredients we use in our products. We also provide comprehensive volunteering, charitable giving programs.


The final category on the JUST label is about the purchasing and supply chain. This allows us to illustrate our efforts to intentionally procure products and services that have an opportunity to impact positive change in our supply chain. We focus on local vendors whenever possible that also have sustainable values. 

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